For the past 2 months, we've had the pleasure of having Ainsley as our Intern. Truthfully, I was a bit scared for her knowing that she was going to spending a ton of time with us weirdos. But luckily, it turned out that she was just as weird (if you can believe it) as us! I must say, she is a pretty awesome gal! she toughed it out and put up Nolan's fart noises (and real farts) and Olaf's insane escapade to scare her. We loved having here at the studio and we are all hoping to find a reason to have her come back again! Perhaps printing envelopes, Ainsley?
As a farewell to our favorite Intern, the staff decided to take her out for lunch to somewhere really special. So, we took her to the PADDLEWHEEL RESTAURANT at The Bay! There, the staff pigged out on roast beef dinners, clubhouse and deli meat sandwiches, hard boiled eggs, tasty cakes and everyone's favorite childhood paddlewheel memory...jello squares with a hard whip cream swirl on top. Overall, the dining experience was .... __________ (fill in the blank)
1) An excited Giselle, ready to dig in! 2) Catherine, trying to eat all of her lunch so she can enjoy her hard jello squares. 3) Olaf, piggin' out on her yummy deli meat sandwich. 4) Ruth, Ainsley & Clint chowing down. 5) Giselle...hmm...I guess she didn't enjoy her lunch? 6) you can see, he is enjoying his meal!
1) This is me, trying to cut into my roast beef. That was quite the work out. 2) Ainsley, posing with a pickle on her fork. Weird. 3) J-E-L-L-O! 4) Nolan. Our Dear Nolan. He will drink Paddlewheel coffee, but not Tim's coffee. 5) Clint, enjoying the wonderful taste of his Jello, doesn't it look tasty? 6) Paul's pumpkin pie. 7) Olaf presenting Ainsley with a little going away present. 8) Ainsley opening her present.
After lunch at the Paddlewheel, Olaf decided that we should all have malts. So all 9 of us ventured down to the basement of The Bay to eat malts and loiter around the discounted toys section.
Olaf : Yes, can I get 9 medium malts please!
Cashier: Sure, that will be $ ....
Olaf: Great! Oh! Clint! Can you pay for this? I do not have my wallet!
Everyone turns to Clint...
Clint...Smiles...and groans...and smiles some more..
Everyone: Bursts out into laughter.
1) Paul, entertaining himself by playing with a pussy cat. 2) 2 boys & 2 cups. 3) Mmm..malts! 4) take 1! 5) take 2! 6) take 3!

My Private Friend.
Livin' Large.
Ainsley, we hope you enjoyed your time with us. We will definitely see you again soon!