Our Friday afternoon was interrupted by the arrival of a strange and large package addressed to all daCapo staff members. We naturally assumed the worst, and called in the bomb squad to help deal with a potentially explosive situation...

As it turns out, there was not much to worry about! It was a grab bag from our friends at FatKat Animation, filled with all sorts of things we need to keep going.... like dildos that spew insults!

Nolan got a pair of in-link skates from Gene...

Annalee was excited about the DVD on Miriamichi Salmon Fishing!

I got that lingerie that I've been talking about for the last six months, and tried it on for everyone!

There were some mishaps amidst the celebration however, as Nolan turned too quickly on his new skates (OH NO!)

We also got some 'Happy Tree Friends' mints...

... that Nolan and Annalee were REALLY excited about.

'This is even better than that talking dildo'

'You're not kidding'

OH NO! SEE WHAT THE MINTS DO (they got this move from Spraychel)

Thanks all you Fatties! You made for an interesting afternoon. It has been awesome working on wacky projects for with you and hanging out.... now let's all go see what we can find in OUR basement to send to YOU...