Over the last 9 days, we have had the pleasure of Bruce Legg's company (director of Supa Strikas) all the way from Cape Town! It has been a fun, productive, and always entertaining time!

As Supa Strikas is about a soccer team, we had Jerseys made to inspire us! To wrap up Bruce's time here with us, we took a DACAPO - Supa Strika team shot (Bruce is number 10 on the right)!
That's not all of course... in his time here, Bruce got introduced to some important Canadian things... like this
... and this
We also took Bruce to the Winnipeg Folk Festival
Had a few more drinks...
And introduced Bruce to the production team...Jesse on Sound Effects and Sound Design
We also got lots of voice work done, with voice talents like Sambath San as Twisting Tiger
Its been fun Bruce.... we'll be sorry to see you go back home, but we're excited to know that we'll be working together on this project for the next year! Thanks for everything Strika!