On Friday, DACAPO staff took a late lunch and went to hit the pins at Academy Lanes. Although we were intimidated by the bowling prowess of the school kids in the lane next to us, we frightened them with Dick's inappropriate bowling t-shirts and
went on to claim bowling, er, glory?

Dick models his highly inappropriate bowling t-shirts for an un-amused Kim...

..while jealous Annalee obviously wishes she was on Giselle's team!

Olaf and Dick show us their bottoms (nice skin Olaf!)...

...while Giselle and Paul do THEIR thing.

'If I hold my fingers really close to my eyes, I can use my giant hands to knock over the pins...' (that only worked on Kids In the Hall Nolan!)

Giselle and Annalee laugh at Nolan...

... and Dick is not amused.

Giselle and Dick discuss strategy...

...while Jayson talks trash...

... and Jesse eggs him on!

Olaf, Giselle...

and Nolan all hit the gutter...

much to the delight of Paul, Ruth and Jesse (ok, Paul does not really look delighted... more like drunk.).

I laugh evilly at our opponents misfortune (I'm like that... I can't help it!)...

...while Giselle and Dick console each other.