Monday, May 26, 2008

DACAPO goes to the Signature Awards

DACAPO Productions attended the Signature Awards for Advertising in Winnipeg earlier this month. From left to right : Angela Derkson, Annalee Schellenberg, Paul Bell and Chris Goertzen work on their small talk repertoire. Ange and Olaf bump into Laura (of Picanté Advertising) and Alan BOY! Was Laura ever happy to see Olaf! Annalee and Chris chuckle at Olaf's expense (a common pastime at the studio...) Olaf presented an award... And I accepted one for Best Original Music used in a Communication (dame, why do I look so morose?... probably because I LOST MY SHIRT at the blackjack table that night!). The DACAPO crew all together!


denise. said...

awww, doug didn't get into your company picture...bummer.

Laura said...

Always happy to see Olaf. And everybody else from Dacapo.