Olaf has this annoying habit of wearing the most ugly and obnoxious socks you ever laid eyes upon. Believe you me, when you are staring at these ugly toe covers first thing in the morning, before you even had the reassuring hit of coffee your body craves, it can make you violently ill. I could probably post a series of photos of these socks, but for now I'll content myself with today's aesthetic travesty...
I'd like to mention that he buys all of the socks in the ladies' department and he has to stretch them out to fit his big German feet!
Love the socks, it adds a touch of the absurd to his unshaking exterior.!!
Thanks so much for the goodies Olaf - I'm really touched dude!!
Clint, could you tell Olaf that after the photo for the New Year's Eve, he had to bring back the fancy dress...and the socks too!!
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