Last month,
Nelvana contacted us to request a submission for theme music for 'Ruby Gloom', a new animated series they have in development.

We were honored to be asked, and happy to put something together for them. Last week, Norm from Nelvana contacted me to let us know that our production was among the finalists for the series theme. Hurrah! Unfortunately, the focus testing in the target market (young girls/female teenagers) identified another submission that worked better with that demographic... stupid *%##! focus groups! Anyhow, I still am proud of the work that Olaf and Kevin did on this music, and thought at least I can post it on the blog so's it can be enjoyed a bit before being relegated to the damp and dusty recesses of our basement archives... (a place, ironically, that Ruby Gloom would probably like!).
Anyhow, click
HERE to have a listen at our go at a Ruby Gloom theme!
Hey did you guys know that Ruby Gloom was actually created by Rita Street who's not only a guest author on a book I'm writing but also on the judging panel for The Fatkat Flash Olympics of which Olaf is also a judge on?
Small World baby,
Too bad its not a full song...I'd buy it :-)
*gloomy astrid*
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