Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Construction Day 1!

Things have been busy around the studio these days, and that's why we are BUILDING A NEW STUDIO in the gross and disgusting pit of despair that is our basement.

Thankfully the only person who will have to work in the basement, is Kevin the new guy, and he doesn't even KNOW about the hissing cockroach infestation!

Anyhow, I am going to try and chart the progress on our new rooms on this blog, starting with today, when the crowbar started pulling the old duct work off... Believe it or not, these shots are of the basement AFTER we cleaned it out! We are disgusting pigs! The fridge in the corner is a bio hazard. We have not opened it since it broke... 20 months ago. I am guessing the lettuce and liverwurst have done some pretty raunchy things since then... This old 'bathroom' was beyond disgusting... ...believe it or not, certain butt-cheeks have caressed this porcelain Petri dish in moments of gastro-intestinal upheaval (I'm looking YOUR way Nolan). And finally, here is a drawing of how it WILL look...

Stay tuned to see how things change day-to-day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great site lots of usefull infomation here.